Posted on: November 15th, 2011 by admin No Comments

Improve The Workplace With An Office Partition

When a company moves into premises they will have a business plan and business growth plan in mind but sometimes businesses need to expand, adjust, relocate, merge or alter their original plan according to profit and loss and also the economy.

The next step in this planning can be staff numbers and more importantly staff seating areas and desks required and this is when a company might start looking at dividing space using an office partition. Even the most in-depth business plan cannot always see the increase in staff that might be needed and how this can change the layout of the office.

If the company has built up quickly but has a vast amount of empty room, it can be used effectively with an office partition that can divide space without having to create a solid, permanent feature like an office wall. There are many types of partitions that can be used in an office environment, so check back to this blog for more information on these.

One solution to an increase in staff can be to move desks around but this can also cause complications with moving electrical plugs and making sure there is still enough floor space in-between desks. There may also be the need for an office partition due to different departments being formed. For example, HR departments need privacy and discuss confidential issues and may need to be separate from the business, but still visible – which a clear partition can provide.

The sales team and customer service team, who are always on the phones – may need to be partitioned away from the accounts department who might need quiet to concentrate and does not need the distraction of the phones ringing and office conversations.

Then there’s the management team or director. They may need to handle confidential issues but be close to the business to see employees and an office partition can work really well here – providing the element of ‘not being there’ but can still manage the business and employees without being separated from the company.